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Harvey Activism Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements

Stefan Berger (Hrsg.)
American Anti-Nuclear Activism, 1975-1990
The Challenge of Peace

240 Seiten
Preis: 89,00 €

ISBN: 9781137430229

Basingstoke u.a.: Palgrave Macmillan 2014

American Anti-Nuclear Activism, 1975-1990 is a history of a series of anti-nuclear campaigns that took place in the United States in later years of the Cold War. Looking at national peace organizations alongside lesser-known protest collectives, it argues that anti-nuclear activists encountered familiar challenges common to other social movements of the late twentieth century. In these pivotal years, when anti-nuclear sentiment enjoyed a massive public profile, activists debated how to mobilize public support, maintain a successful public profile, and remain effective in their efforts. In an era marked by conservatism and the waning of the Cold War, these debates were especially important. By focusing on anti-nuclear campaigns as diverse as the Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign, Women's Action for Nuclear Disarmament, SANE, the Fast for Life, Mobilization for Survival, the Women's Pentagon Action, the Great Peace March, and others, this book demonstrates the complexity and vitality of a wide range of individuals, groups, and organizations who came together to save the world from nuclear devastation.